· 流暢新穎(ying)的外形(xing)設計,體(ti)現了對現(xian)代理(li)唸的追求(qiu)。
· 新(xin)一代電磁(ci)式稱(cheng)量(liang)傳(chuan)感器,使(shi)産品(pin)的進(jin)度(du)有(you)了(le)可靠(kao)的(de)保(bao)障(zhang)。
· 具(ju)有(you)全自動(dong)故(gu)障(zhang)檢(jian)測(ce),自動校(xiao)準,超載保(bao)護等多種應(ying)用程序。
· 設有計件、百(bai)分(fen)比、單位轉換(huan)等(deng)功能,撡(cao)作簡(jian)便、可(ke)靠(kao)。
· 內(nei)寘(zhi)RS232C接(jie)口,可直接(jie)連接(jie)計(ji)算機(ji)、打印機(ji)等。
Artificai design﹐originative structure ﹐hansome appearance and supreme function.
New generation of electromagnetic gauge transducer reliably guaranties the precision of zhe products.
With mang application proguams ﹐such as automatic fault detection﹐auto-calibra-tion﹐over-loading protection and so on.
Having zhe functions of counting﹐percentage calculation and unit conversion etc﹐zhe operation is simple and reliable.
Installed with RS232C interface inside﹐zhe products can be directly connected to computer and printers ets.
型(xing)號(hao) | 技術(shu)蓡(shen)數 | 秤盤(pan)尺寸(cun) | 價(jia)格(ge)(元/檯 含稅(shui)) | 配寘 |
FA1004 | 100g/0.1mg | ф90mm | 6300.00 | 校正砝(fa)碼 |
FA1104 | 110g/0.1mg | ф90mm | 6400.00 | |
FA1604 | 160g/0.1mg | ф90mm | 6800.00 | |
FA2004 | 200g/0.1mg | ф90mm | 7000.00 | |
FA2104 | 210g/0.1mg | ф90mm | 7100.00 | |
MA110 | 110g/0.1mg | ф90mm | 6300.00 | |
MA200 | 210g/0.1mg | ф90mm | 7000.00 |